Explore The Buildings
Explore The Buildings at Woldumar Nature Center

Moon Log Cabin
Moon Log Cabin
Explore the cultural heritage of Michigan as you observe the Moon Log Cabin at Woldumar Nature Center. Looking at the exterior of the cabin shows construction details of how the logs were hewn and interleaved at the corners. A fireplace would have provided heat during the winter, as well as being used for cooking. Campers find the lawn adjacent to the cabin to be an excellent location to learn games of the period. A nearby blacksmith shop is used for demonstrations during special events, and authentic plants of the period are found in the adjacent herb garden. The cabin is open to the public during some special events, and trained docents provide commentary during those special events.
Herb Garden
The garden adjacent to Moon Cabin is planted with herbs that the Moon family might have used to season their foods, dye their cloth, and treat minor illnesses and injuries. Many of the plants are labeled as you walk through the garden. Many of the plants were used for medicinal purposes for which they were used and interesting folklore of the time may be told about some of them.
The plants growing in the Moon Cabin Herb Garden are ones that might have been in an herb garden in the 1870s. Some are native to North America. Others were brought by immigrants to flavor their food, treat illnesses, or make their homes more livable. Unfortunately, in some cases, we have not been able to locate "heirloom" varieties; however, we hope that you enjoy the authentic "atmosphere" of the garden.
The garden is maintained by Woldumar volunteers. If you are interested in participating with us, see the volunteer information.

Blacksmith's Oven
Blacksmiths at Woldumar
History comes alive at Woldumar as you watch blacksmiths work fire and metal to create decorative and functional pieces. The Woldumar blacksmiths work on an authentic coal-fired forge that was originally used in Doc Loren Baker's blacksmith shop located near Waucousta, Michigan. They are often on hand for Woldumar's special events.
The blacksmiths that volunteer their time and talents to Woldumar Nature Center are members of BOW (Blacksmiths of Woldumar). Many are also members of Michigan Artists and Blacksmiths Association. The members have become interested in blacksmithing for a variety of reasons. Some have inherited tools or equipment and have wanted to learn to use them. Others are intrigued with the artistry involved in this process of creation. Anyone interested in learning more about the skills involved in this craft can contact Bill Jenkins at .

R.E. Olds Anderson Rotary Barn
R.E. Olds Anderson Rotary Barn
A central feature of our campus, the barn provides space for many of our special events, and may be rented for weddings, conferences and other gatherings. It was located on the property as donated by Mrs. Gladys Olds Anderson, and was most recently remodeled in 2004. A sheltered patio and deck have expanded the space available for activities. The Barn is available for rentals.
The Barn is only open to the public during special events.